
Market Research

  • Conduct market studies utilizing Geodata and location components to identify opportunities.
  • Analyze emerging markets and their trends.
  • Assess the economic, political, and social environment.
  • Evaluate the local capacity for absorbing new developments. Review the Business Model.

Site Analysis and Regulations

  • Inspect the property to determine development-enhancing or limiting factors.
  • •Analyze transportation options for development mobility.
  • •Evaluate the site’s maximum potential and alternative uses.
  • •Review current regulations and propose necessary changes.

Legal and Tax Aspects

  • Establish the project’s legal structure and draft contracts.
  • Prepare confidentiality agreements.
  • Form investor partnerships and draft preparatory contracts.
  • Analyze project taxes and fiscal obligations.
  • Identify required permits and authorizations.
  • Assess fiscal incentives and potential risks.

Architecture Conceptualization

  • Define potential development areas for maximum utilization.
  • Create conceptual design and models.
  • Provide support in modeling and promotional material creation.

Finnacial Feasibility Study

  • Conduct detailed financial analysis, including cash flow, NPV, IRR, and profitability.
  • Identify project execution resources.
  • Project income and expenses.
  • Analyze project costs and income.
  • Calculate cash flow, NPV, IRR, and profitability.
  • Identify potential financial risks.
  • Value of your investment.

Risk Study

  • Identify and mitigate financial, legal, fiscal, and architectural project risks.
  • Develop a risk mitigation plan.

Marketing and Pre Commercialization

  • Develop a marketing and pre-commercialization plan.
  • Identify effective promotional channels.
  • Create promotional materials such as brochures, ads, and videos.
  • Launch pre-commercialization.
  • Identify interested investors or clients.

Investment Portfolio Construction

  • Compile previous information into an Investment Portfolio to attract potential investors or clients.
  • •Present information concisely in the Investment Portfolio.
  • Develop a portfolio promotion plan.

Road Show and Navigation

  • Present the project to potential investors or clients.
  • Address queries from potential investors or clients.
  • Promote the project and Investment Portfolio.
  • Identify interested investors or clients.
  • Negotiate with interested investors or clients.
  • Close investment or project sale/lease.
  • Sign contracts and agreements.
  • Develop investment platform through Real Estate Intelligence.
  • Facilitate fund transfer and project ownership transfer.

Development Advisory Activities

Administrative Governance

Organization and Preparation

• Definition of Project Organization and Organizational Chart.

• Formation of Management and Coordination Bodies.

Professionals and Policies

• Hiring Key Professionals and Experts.

• Establishment of Internal Policies, Procedures, and Norms.

Suppliers, Contracts, and Advisory

• Procedures for Bids and Contracts Definition.

• Advisory on Import, Nationalization, and Legal Procedures.

• Risk Management Policies and Insurance Contracts.

Control and Reporting

• Accounting Supervision and Legal Compliance.

• Definition of Tax Policies and Legal Compliance.

• Management of Correspondence, Filing, and Resource

Legal Management

Legal Affairs and Documentation

• Creation of investment vehicles (Trusts)  contracts and procedures.

Direction and Control of Legal Affairs for Regulatory Compliance.

• Records, Registrations, and Legal Reporting.

Legal Documentation

• Creation of Sales and Delivery Proforma Documents.

• Drafting Contracts, Promissory Notes, and Legal Documents.

Permits and Approvals

• Condominium Regime Advisory and Approval Procedures.

• Oversight of Essential Legal Documents and Procedures.

Technical Management

Planning and Design

• Definition of Time, Cost, and Quality Objectives for the Project.

• Participation in Planning, Design, and Construction Committees.

 Evaluation and Approval

• Evaluation and Selection of Submitted Quotations.

• Analysis and Approval of Designs, Specifications, and Costs.

Supervision and Control

• Monitoring of Supervision Reports and Progress Control.

• Budget Execution Control and Regulatory Compliance.

Licensing and Regulations

• Control and Processing of Licenses and Service Connections.

• Compliance with Urbanization and Construction Standards

Financial and Economic Management

Financing and Administration

• Implementation of Financing Structure and Resource Procurement.

• Management and Control of Funds, Accounts, and Financial Resources.

Economic Evaluation and Control

• Update of Economic Feasibility Studies and Projections.

• Control and Monitoring of Cost, Expense, and Investment Budgets.